2023 Update – Crypto Trading Option
2022 Official Result: +125% gain across 8 brokers
fully automated passive income generation
the legendary forex scalper since 2009
2022 Euronis Final +125% average
Total gains divided by 8 = 125% average Euronis performance for 2022
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Compare with the US500, TSLA & BTC.
Trusted by the worlds leading brokers
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Time lapse equity
2015-2022 tick data
Euronis Scalper Backtest 2019 to October 2021 – Tick by Tick Data. Default Settings. You can replicate this exact result on your IC Markets MT5 Trading Terminal.
The benefits of trading
with Euronis.
Euronis is mature trading code that is designed to work when no other systems are trading. The rollover period. End and start of the financial day. Euronis has been successful for 14 years.
How to use Euronis?
Insert it into your MetaTrader Platform
This is classic Euronis. Download the Euronis.ex4 or ex5 file and place it in the experts folder of your metatrader. It should be running 24/7 on a dedicated VPS with a sub 100ms ping to your brokers trade server.
Use our AutoTrade API
This is a fully automated trade copier designed by Euronis. It requires MT5 (MT4 not supported) and trading privileges. This eliminates the need for a VPS or to install Euronis. You control it with an on/off. This option contains our advanced trading logic not available in the classic version.
Time to start using Euronis
The important thing to know about Euronis is that it only uses capital for 2-3 hours per day.
While producing triple digit gains year over year.
A high-value supplement to any strategy with free capital at the rollover.